Facilities Management


Our Facilities Management solution aids corporations and government agencies in optimizing processes to increase efficiency through data-driven decisions. Whether it being an office, university, or shopping mall, the footfall data gathered by our system allows people to make the most of their business or facility.

Stay on an Evolutionary Road to Business Success

People counting solutions in smart buildings help facilities management teams strategize and maintain the establishment with accuracy. With the implementation of smart IoT devices in your commercial activities, you gain access to valuable data required to make insight-based decisions and stay up to date on the current evolution of commercial buildings. In today’s climate, commercial buildings evolving into smart spaces in which the Internet of Things (IoT) lays the foundation. With the help of our technology, you can enhance your facilities management to meet new standards and ensure a healthy, fair working space for your employees.

A Smooth-Running & Healthy Facility

Your commercial real estate is more than merely a business address. Your employees spend a great deal of their life in your building, which calls for high-quality facilities management. A healthy, smoothly running work environment is a crucial necessity of any successful business. Regardless of the building’s function – whether it is a retail store, library, office space, university, or another public building – optimizing the use of capacities and layouts regularly is a decisive determinant for an honorable workplace.

Sensors Will Collect Valuable Data for Staff Management

Our sensors will be installed in your facility to measure occupancy levels on each floor, alongside other valuable KPIs. The data collected can be used to monitor capacity during busy periods and send out real-time alerts via SMS, e-mail, or WhatsApp, ensuring a constant awareness of your business’ occupancy. The various data collected by our sensors make staff management possible since it allows you to know exactly when and where staff is needed, as well as how they interact with customers. Staff management is a vital part of making informed decisions and improving customer service.

Restroom Maintenance Made Easier

Facilities Management includes staff and restroom management, as facility managers can create staff schedules that are suitable for restrooms’ conditions. By planning restroom maintenance based on the footfall data received from our sensors, you can program our real-time alerts to let staff know when the restroom needs cleaning. Our system will notify staff when a predefined number of people use the restroom. This way, restrooms are cleaned when necessary, and staff is employed where they are needed. When buildings are maintained consistently, it gives an excellent impression of the business and its staff.

Reduce Costs with Facilities Management

By reducing the workload staff spend on areas they are not needed, facility managers can make prominent cost-saving decisions. Furthermore, using a data-driven approach to facilities management allows you to manage your inventory and reduce waste.

Top Benefits of Facilities Management

  • Optimized facility layouts based on occupancy data
  • Reduction of overflow in areas, such as restrooms
  • Cleaning management
  • Calculated employment of staff where and when needed
  • Cost reduction
  • Real-time alerts via SMS, e-mail, or WhatsApp