Universities & Libraries


Most universities and schools have evolved into complex buildings containing not only classrooms, but dormitories, cafeterias, convention halls, sports complexes, libraries, and more. Every facility needs management to ensure a healthy studying environment for all students. With our people counting system, you get access to the daily traffic numbers of each facility, enabling you to manage staff, space, and occupancy all over the perimeter.  

Track Traffic Flow and Ensure a Smooth-Running Facility

Throughout the day, large crowds of students and personnel move in and out of classrooms in-between classes. It can be difficult to keep track of the increasing flow of people. Without knowing how many people are residing within a place, it is nearly impossible to determine how many resources are needed to accommodate them. Our sensors carefully track the exact number of people entering and exiting a place, while our innovative analytics platform merges this data into valuable reports. Real-time alerts are generated to ensure constant up-to-minute data and insight.

Safety Measures

If a situation arises in which the students and staff need to evacuate the premises, administrators can rely on data from surveillance cameras to convey important footfall numbers to the firemen. This data will tell how many students entered the school that morning and how many exited the building during the evacuation. Our advanced analytics system can further support people counting efforts by keeping track of how many people are supposed to be in a location. Our system sends a real-time alert when, for instance, the school auditorium is approaching maximum capacity, or there is a violation of the fire code.

Space Management

Measuring which areas are most frequently visited helps you optimize your facility. By identifying traffic flow, as well as the most-traveled doors or hallways, you are aided with valuable data for space management. You will get strategic insight into the most advantageous places to put informational fliers, shops, or help desks. Knowing which areas have the most trafficking also tells you where to divert your attention and money. If an area is heavily traveled, it is likely to be the most profitable spot to place a cafeteria, bookshop, or library.

Staff Management

Our solution lets you calculate staffing needs based on actual data reports rather than estimations. Avoid paying several employees on the same shift if they are not needed. Our insight into peak times or non-peak times allows educational services to plan staff schedules based on footfall and traffic data. Estimate the needed number of employees during peak times or non-peak times on both average and non-average days. When hosting special events with high attendance, the building will need more staffing, and with our solution, you can prepare for such events by having the needed data insight. 

Budget Allocation

Place our sensors in strategic areas to manage resources and save money. Most schools and universities are running on a tight budget due to an increased number of students using a fixed number of resources. By constantly staying aware of your students and their needs, our solution ensures you are not cutting the wrong resources when making budget reallocations.